Monday, June 14, 2010

i have an ever-growing HATE for margins

I bought some bookmark pens over a year ago and I haven't really used them. I hear that if one is intelligent, then one should write in their books. But I don't know what to write! I feel that the blank margins of my books are screaming for attention and all I've got for them are guilty, nervous looks. I almost wish that books were made without those taunting margins, but I understand that their aesthetic appeal is great. However, I will someday/somehow write very witty, thought-provoking comments beside the words I read. The little scribbly notes will be even more profound than the stories and themes themselves. Scholars will even debate about why I put a question mark here or why I circled a word there. How about that, margins? People will borrow my books just so they can worship my pithy opinions of their contents. Ridiculous, no? Maybe I won't write in the margins after all. I shouldn't force an already good relationship I suppose.

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